Productivity tools – Spring 2013!

If you’ve done much research into productivity or success, you’ve probably heard of the 80/20 rule which says that 80% of the results come from 20% of the effort. In other words, most of what we’re doing every day isn’t very valuable. I’ve been working on creating a more organized and productive life so that I can […]

Vemma #YoungPeopleRevolution

I worked on this project with the other video guy at Vemma and with a 26-year-old Vemma Brand Partner (independent distributor) who is about to make his SECOND MILLION DOLLARS from Vemma. I did all of the graphics & animation, recorded all of the audio and probably shot a little footage in there too. It […]

Phoenix Comicon 2012

Phoenix Comicon was a good time this year! I was there more than I expected but spending a few days with friends and family surrounded by nerd culture was needed. I was surprised at how popular Doctor Who is, especially since I haven’t seen any of it yet. Apparently I’m gonna have to rectify that […]

Playing with Unity again

I got the itch to start working with a game engine again! I found some great tutorials and I’m getting back into it. This is also perfect for getting the ball rolling on a little side project that has been gathering dust. I think I’m about done with this experiment after this update. Time to […]