Software Integration Assignment 1

For my Software Integration class, CSE 446, the first assignment was a two-part refresher on working with WCF RESTful services and C#. The first part was simply a RESTful service with default URI template and a web application that consumed the service. The second part consisted of the same RESTful service with a different URI […]

Computer Science, Fall 2014

Finishing up my unofficial Junior year at ASU in Computer Science, I wanted to give an overview of what I learned. I’m still finishing up some math courses and lab sciences so I’ll leave those out. CSE 445 – Distributed Software Development The course is all about software as a service (SAAS), software-oriented architecture, etc […]


Made a little Flappy Bird clone with Unity and Playmaker. Spent an hour or two and I’d like to spend a little more time polishing it and actually adding some visuals! I had been thinking about simple game ideas to build and it doesn’t get much simpler than Flappy Bird

Rebuilding the website

I suddenly started getting the “White screen of death” on here and I’m not sure why as I hadn’t touched this site in a while. In any case, I have restored my posts but there are many shortcodes from the overkill theme I was using. I’m going to be removing them and sticking with a […]

Hello, Triangle – OpenGL 4

Just worked through the Hello Triangle OpenGL 4 tutorial from Anton Gerdelan (@capnramses). Its been hard to find good OpenGL 4 tutorials and books! I’m using these tutorials to  supplement OpenGL SuperBible 6th ed.. It just assumes you already know too much and I like to work through complete examples and experiment. I also worked through the […]

Go (Golang) Presentation

For my CSE 360 class, Introduction to Software Engineering, one of our first group projects was researching and presenting something that is Open Source. My group chose the programming language, Go (aka “Golang”), which was created by Google. The goal of Go is to create a modern, easy to use, and fast programming language. It […]

GPGPU group presentation – CSE 430 (OS)

Last semester one of our projects for my Operating Systems class was a group presentation to something related to Operating Systems. We chose to do our presentation on General Purpose GPU (GPGPU) computing. Modern GPUs deal with many issues that the CPU and OS have had to deal with. The presentation, and report are after […]