For the final project in my computer graphics class, we created a raytracer (using ray marching). Phong shading and primitive detection is calculated in glsl. Controls Left Mouse: Pan Right Mouse: Rotate Spacebar: Reset Cam Position Focal Length: Epsilon: Reset Cam Parameters attribute vec2 aVertexPosition;varying vec2 vPixelCoord;void main(void) {gl_Position = vec4(aVertexPosition, 0, 1);} var renderer […]
Hierarchical animation in WebGL
Your browser doesn’t support the HTML5 canvas element Another project for my computer graphics class. This is an animated hierarchical character. I created the hierarchy following the left-child, right sibling tree. I just used sin() and cos() periodic functions to animate.. limited time and all.. The scene is lit and has phong shading calculated […]
3D shapes in WebGL
Just a plane and a cylinder in 3d space generated from functions. Texture coordinates are generated at the same time. The texture is generated in the fragement shader. Oops … your browser doesn’t support the HTML5 canvas element Transpose texture UVs → Toggle
2D shapes in WebGL
Ten shapes: random positions, colors, rotation speed. Your browser does not support html5 canvas.
Data Binding presentation
I created this presentation on Data Binding for a capstone class. Had 10 minutes to present a technical topic and I learned about Data Binding while at an internship last summer. I thought it was a very interesting and powerful concept.
Bresenham line and circle drawing in HTML5
Here are simple implementations of a Bresenham line drawing algorithm and a Bresenham circle drawing algorithm from my Computer Graphics class. They’re just using an HTML 5 Canvas and Javascript. Will be moving into WebGL soon.. Ten random lines Your browser does not support html5 canvas. Three triangles with circumscribed circles Your browser does not […]
Summer 2015 Recap
I spent the summer of 2015 working in a few areas.. Mostly C# and a dash of Java. I got to explore Denver when I wasn’t in front of a computer as well Learned and built GUIs in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). WPF necessitates learning MVVM. I kinda like MVVM and data binding although it […]
Voices of VR #102 – Must listen!
GDC 2015 recap with lots of great info and ides on HTV Vive, lighthouse, etc.
.NET Workflow SOAP service
Here’s a .NET Workflow service for my CSE 446 class at Arizona State. It includes a SOAP service and a console application that consumes that and another service. BitBucket
Augmented Reality (AR) in the military presentation
I created and presented this for a class at ASU. Briefly discusses what augmented reality is and presents a few past and upcoming uses for AR. Also touches on where AR is heading in the consumer space.